Future Experiments
- Bernhard Ketzer (TUM)
Peter Krizan
(University of Ljubljana)
6/16/11, 2:30 PM
Future Experiments
The talk discusses future experiments in hadron spectroscopy. It presents the physics motivation and the tools,
accelerators and detectors, and reviews the status of the relevant projects, Belle-II/SuperKEKB at KEK, SuperB in Italy,
PANDA at FAIR, and CLAS12 and GlueX at JLAB.
J.H. Lee
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
6/16/11, 2:55 PM
Future Experiments
Nuclei and nucleons probed in DIS and diffractive processes in the
high-energy (low-x) regime open a new precision window into fundamental
questions in QCD. The proposed Electron-Ion Collider at BNL (eRHIC) is
a new high-energy and high-luminosity polarized electron-ion/polarized proton machine. The proposed design provides unprecedented access to study deeply the nature of QCD matter...
Masayuki Niiyama
(Kyoto Univ.)
6/16/11, 3:15 PM
Future Experiments
The construction of a new backward Compton gamma ray beam line at SPring-8 in Japan, LEPS2, has been started from the year 2010. The new beam line will provide a
highly polarized photon beam up to 3 GeV with 10 times higher intensity than that
of LEPS1 facility.
We will construct a 4$\pi$ detector which can detect both of charged particles and
photons. The photon beam will be...
Igor Senderovich
(University of Connecticut)
6/16/11, 3:35 PM
Future Experiments
The GlueX experiment will employ a linearly polarized 9GeV tagged photon beam incident on a liquid hydrogen target to search for exotic states in the light meson spectrum. Optimized for this purpose, the detector has a highly uniform acceptance over nearly 4\pi solid angle, with high efficiency for both neutral and charged final state particles. An overview of the physics motivation and...