Alexander Austregesilo
(TU München)
COMPASS is a fixed-target experiment at CERN SPS which investigates the structure and spectroscopy of hadrons. The experimental setup features a large acceptance and high momentum resolution spectrometer including particle identification and calorimetry and is therefore ideal to cover a broad range of different topics. During in total 9 weeks in 2008 and 2009, a 190 GeV/c proton beam impinging on a liquid hydrogen target was used primarily to study the production of exotic mesons and glueball candidates at central rapidities. As no bias on the kinematics of the forward-going particles was introduced by the trigger system, these data also yield the unique possibility to study diffractive dissociation of the beam proton. The recoiling target proton remains intact in this peripheral scattering process.
Exclusive events with one proton and either a pair of oppositely charged pions or kaons in the final state have been extracted and dominant features of the light baryon spectrum became clearly visible. We will present the status of the ongoing studies and discuss the usage of partial-wave analysis techniques, which are successfully applied already for diffractive dissociation reactions of pions in COMPASS.
Primary author
Alexander Austregesilo
(TU München)