Olga Khetselius
(Odessa University)
In the last few years transition energies in pionic and kaonic atoms have been measured with an unprecedented precision [1]. The spectroscopy of hadronic hydrogen allows to study the strong interaction at low energies [2] by measuring the energy and width of the ground level with a precision of few meV. The light hadronic atoms can additionally be used to define new low-energy X-ray standards and to evaluate the pion mass using high accuracy X-ray spectroscopy. Paper is devoted to studying spectra for hadronic (kaonic and pionic) atoms and some superheavy isotopes. Ab initio QED approach [3] with an accurate account of relativistic, nuclear, radiative effects is used in calculating spectra of the hadronic (pion, kaon) atoms. One of the main purposes is establishment a quantitative link between quality of nucleus structure modeling and accuracy of calculating energy and spectral properties of systems. The wave functions zeroth basis is found from the Klein-Gordon or Dirac equation. The potential includes the SCF ab initio potential, the electric and polarization potentials of a nucleus (the RMF, Fermi and Gauss models for a charge distribution in a nucleus are considered). For low orbits there are the important effects due to the strong hadron-nuclear interaction. The energy shift is connected with a length of the hadron-nuclear scattering. For superheavy isotopes (ions) the correlation corrections of high orders are accounted for within the Green function method. The Lamb shift polarization part- in the Uhling-Serber approximation and the self-energy part – within the Green functions method. We present the data on: 1).energy levels for superheavy isotopes Z=113,114; 2). Shifts and widths of transitions (2p-1s,3d-2p, 4f-3d etc) in some pionic and kaonic atoms (H, He, N, W, U). The calculated X-ray transitions spectrum for kaonic He and estimate of 2p level shift due to the strong K-N interaction 1.57 eV are in the reasonable agreement with experimental data (cited shift 1.9eV) by Okada et al (2008; E570; КЕК 12GeV, RIKEN Nishina Centre, JAPAN) and differ (about order) of other experimental data by Wiegand-Pehl (1971), Batty et al (1979), Baird et al (1983).
1. D. Gotta, Progr. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. 52, 133 (2004); G. Beer, A. Bragadireanu, W. Breunlich et al, Phys. Lett. B 535, 52 (2002) ; R.Deslattes, E.Kessler, P.Indelicato, et al, //Rev. Mod. Phys. 75, 35 (2003); M.Trassinelli, P.Indelicato, arXiv:phys/0611262v2 (2007).
2. C.J.Batty, M.Eckhause, K.P.Gall etal//Phys.Rev.C. 40, 2154 (1989); T.Ito, R.Hayano, S.Nakamura, T.Terada, Phys. Rev. C. 58, 2366 (1998); S.Okada, G.Beer, H.Bhang etal, Phys.Lett.B.653, 387 (2007).
3. A.V.Glushkov et al, Phys. Lett. 170, 35 (1992) ; Frontiers in Quantum Systems in Chem. and Phys. (Berlin, Springer) 8, 505 (2008); Theory and Applications of Comp. Chem. (AIP) 1102, 168 (2009).
Primary author
Olga Khetselius
(Odessa University)
Alexander Glushkov
(Odessa University and Troitsk ISAN, Russian Acad.Sci.)
Anastasiya Shakhman
(Kherson University)
Andrey Svinarenko
(Odessa University)
Inga Serga
(Odessa University)