Michaela Thiel
(II. Physikalisches Institut, JLU Giessen)
Using the CrystalBall/TAPS photon spectrometer at MAMI Mainz the omega photoproduction off nuclei (C, Nb) and off the proton (LH2) were studied via the hadronic decay channel
gamma + A -> omega + X -> pi0 gamma + X. The aim of this work is to investigate whether the properties of the omega meson are modified within normal nuclear matter. Two different experimental approaches have been used: the measurement of the omega lineshape and of the
omega momentum distribution. Different in-medium scenarios [1] calculated with the GiBUU transport code [2] predict only small differences in the omega lineshape. The momentum distribution
of the omega meson is, however, predicted to be more sensitive to in-medium modifications.
Differences are expected to be most pronounced close to the production threshold (E_gamma,thresh = 1108 MeV). Thus, the analyses were performed in the energy ranges 900 to 1300 MeV and 900 to 1100 MeV. The experimental results for the omega lineshape and the omega momentum distribution will be presented and compared to GiBUU calculations.
Supported by DFG(SFB/TR16)
[1] J. Weil, private communication
[2] http://gibuu.physik.uni-giessen.de
Primary author
Michaela Thiel
(II. Physikalisches Institut, JLU Giessen)