Eulogio Oset
(IFIC , University of Valencia)
We develop a scheme on how to obtain the lightest scalar mesons from hypothetical QCD lattice results.
The latter are simulated by using the two channel chiral unitary approach for and K Kbar scattering that
generates the f0(600) and f0(980) resonances. We re-derive Luescher formula for one channel in a very
simple way suited to practitioners of the chiral unitary approach, and then from the finite volume discrete
eigenenergies we induce the free scattering amplitude using the one channel Luescher formula, which
we show to work remarkably well up to energies very close to the K Kbar threshold. We then propose some
methods to extend Luescher results to two channels and find that they work and allow us to obtain results
for the different coupled channel amplitudes beyond the K Kbar threshold. With the two channel method we
find that one can obtain in a clean way both the f0(600) and f0(980) resonances of the scalar sector in I = 0
and the a0(980) in I = 1 with the and K Kbar channels. An error analysis is done to determine the precision needed in the lattice calculations.
Primary author
Eulogio Oset
(IFIC , University of Valencia)
Akaki Rusetsky
(University of Bonn)
Michael Döring
(University of Bonn)
Ulf Meissner
(University of Bonn)