Giovanni Sabatino
(INFN - Rome 2)
LHCb is one of the four LHC experiments which started data-taking in 2010 at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. The detector is a forward spectrometer dedicated to the study of B production and decay. Efficient tracking and muon identification allow precision measurement of quarkonia states to be performed. We present studies of the production of resonances in the dimuon sample collected in the first year of data taking corresponding to about 34 pb–1. We will discuss the double differential cross section measurements of J/ψ, double J/ψ, ψ(2S), Υ, and their impact on the understanding |of quarkonia production. The results will be discussed in the context of the predictions of several theoretical models. Prospects for the measurement of quarkonia polarization will also be discussed.
Primary author
Giovanni Sabatino
(INFN - Rome 2)