Jun 13 – 17, 2011
Europe/Berlin timezone
Proceedings are now available online at <a href="http://www.slac.stanford.edu/econf/C110613/">eConf</a>

The OLYMPUS experiment at DORIS/DESY

Jun 14, 2011, 6:20 PM
1h 10m
Millerzimmer (Künstlerhaus)



poster Poster Session Poster Session


Jürgen Diefenbach (Universität Mainz)


Measurements of the ratio of the electric and magnetic form factors of the proton yield different results when using the Rosenbluth or polarization transfer technique. This discrepancy has possibly been explained by two photon exchange that is not accounted for in the Born approximation. The OLYMPUS experiment will measure the ratio of the cross sections of elastic $e^-p$ and $e^+p$ scattering. Obtaining this ratio is a direct measurement of the two-photon contribution to the elastic $ep$ cross section and will significantly improve our understanding of the proton structure. An overview of the experiment and its current status will be presented in this talk.

Primary author

Jürgen Diefenbach (Universität Mainz)

Presentation materials

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