Hiroshi Noya
(Institute of Physics, Hosei University at Tama)
Hiroshi Noya
Institute of Physics, Hosei University at Tama
Machida, Tokyo 194-0298, Japan
e-mail : hiroshinoya@yahoo.com
Hiroshi Nakamura
Department of Physics and Mathematics,
College of Science and Engineering
Aoyamagakuin University, Fuchinobe,
Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229-8558, Japan
We present the mass formula of the Diquark Cluster Model (DCM) to calculate the q2qbar2 system for the c cbar mesons with the u, d, s and c quarks.
All parameters in the mass formula are already fixed to the analyses of the mass spectrum for the meson 1) except for c quark mass and related spin parameters.
Using the Charmed baryons mass, we obtained these parameters.
We calculated the mass of X(3945) to X(4660) c cbar mesons. The difference between the calculated mass and the experimental ones are less than 40 Mev.
The following examples are our results.
c n cbar nbar configurations.
X(4260) : 4259 MeV. ; Exp. : 4263 MeV.
X(4430) : 4407 MeV. ; Exp. : 4443 MeV.
c s cbar sbar configuration.
X(4350) : 4334 MeV. ; Exp. : 4350 MeV.
From our calculation, we conclude that the X (3940) to X (4660) c cbar mesons is the four quark states.
1) Y.Uehara, N.Konno, H.Nakamura and H.Noya: Nucl. Phys. A606 (1996) 357
Primary author
Hiroshi Noya
(Institute of Physics, Hosei University at Tama)