Jun 13 – 17, 2011
Europe/Berlin timezone
Proceedings are now available online at <a href="http://www.slac.stanford.edu/econf/C110613/">eConf</a>

Dalitz Decay of Pseudoscalar Mesons from Photoproduction on Hydrogen Target with CLAS

Jun 14, 2011, 6:20 PM
1h 10m
Millerzimmer (Künstlerhaus)



poster Poster Session Poster Session


Mr Michael Kunkel (Old Dominion University)


Experimental results on the Dalitz decay of P(π0, η, η’)->e+ e- γ pseudoscalar mesons produced in the photoproduction reaction γ + p -> P(π0, η,η’) + p on a Hydrogen target with CLAS are presented for the first time. The total statistics collected for η Dalitz decay exceeds the world’s published statistics by an order of magnitude, while the Dalitz decay of η’->e+ e- γ is observed and measured for the first time. The data obtained will allow for an update on already measured branching ratios and provide branching ratio of η’ in this channel. Current status of analysis and future prospects are discussed.

Primary authors

Mr Michael Kunkel (Old Dominion University) Dr Moskov Amaryan (Old Dominion University)


Dr Chaden Djalali (University of South Carolina) Dr Dennis Weygand (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility) Dr Michael Paolone (University of South Carolina) Dr Michael Wood (Canisius College)

Presentation materials

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