Jun 13 – 17, 2011
Europe/Berlin timezone
Proceedings are now available online at <a href="http://www.slac.stanford.edu/econf/C110613/">eConf</a>

Light Vector Meson Photoproduction off of H at Jefferson Lab and ρ-ω Interference in the Leptonic Decay Channel

Jun 16, 2011, 3:00 PM
Festsaal (Künstlerhaus)



talk Light Mesons Light Mesons


Prof. Chaden Djalali (University of South Carolina)


Recent studies of light vector meson production in heavy nuclear targets has generated interest in ρ-ω interference in the leptonic decay channel. An experimental study of the elementary process provides valuable input for theoretical models and calculations. In experiment E04-005, high statistics photoproduction data has been taken in Jefferson Lab’s CLAS detector with tagged photon energies up to 5 GeV incident on a LH2 target. Preliminary results of the e+e− decay channel, with emphasis on the ρ-ω interference region, will be shown and compared to similar experimental data of photoproduction off of heavier nuclear targets (2H to Pb) from Jefferson Lab experiment E01-112.

Primary author

Prof. Chaden Djalali (University of South Carolina)


Dr Dennis Weygand (Thomas Jeferson National Accelerator Facility) Dr Michael Paolone (University of South Carolina) Prof. Mike Wood (Canisius Colege) Dr Rakhsha Nasseripour (George Washington UNiversity)

Presentation materials