Andrey Polyanskiy
(IKP, FZ Jülich)
The production of $\phi$-mesons in collisions of 2.83 GeV protons
with C, Cu, Ag and Au targets has been measured with the ANKE
magnetic spectrometer at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY. The $\phi$
was detected at small angles via its $K^+K^-$ decay branch. The
measured target mass dependence of the production cross section can
be related to the in-medium $\phi$ width. Comparisons with
available model calculations suggest a significant broadening of
this width relative to the vacuum value of 4.3~MeV/$c^2$. Since
this was a high statistics experiment, with 7000-10000 $\phi$ per
target, we were able to study the momentum dependence of the
in-medium $\phi$ width and results will be presented in the range
$0.6 < p_\phi < 1.6~$GeV/$c$.
Primary author
Andrey Polyanskiy
(IKP, FZ Jülich)