Feb 7 – 9, 2016
Cluster of Excellence "Universe"
Europe/Berlin timezone

Bartol atmospheric neutrino fluxes

Feb 7, 2016, 3:00 PM
MIAPP Building (Cluster of Excellence "Universe")

MIAPP Building

Cluster of Excellence "Universe"

Boltzmannstrasse 2 D-85748 Garching Deutschland. Hotels suggestions: in Garching (closer to the MIAPP institute): Gasthof Neuwirt (http://gasthof-neuwirt.org) Hotel am Park (http://www.hotel-am-park.com/en/) Hotel Hoyacker (http://www.hoyackerhof.de) in Munich: Gästehaus Englischer Garten (http://hotelenglischergarten.de/en/)


G. Barr

Primary author

Presentation materials