The absence of BSM signals at the LHC forces us to rethink our current paradigms about new physics and prompts for new searches. The objective of this mini-workshop will be to review various probes at different energy scales: low energy measurements, EDM, neutron-antineutron oscillation, atomic spectroscopy, table top experiments for search for light DM, fixed-target experiments, future colliders, astrophysics probes (neutron star mergers), cosmological probes (GW stochastic background) and get some insights on new possible scenarios addressing the open questions that the SM left unanswered.
The event will be hosted at the Magnus-Haus (, in the very center of Berlin just in front of Pergamon museum.
This workshop is organized by the COST action "Connecting insights in fundamental physics". It is also partly supported by the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale".