Nov 22 – 25, 2021
Kloster Irsee,
Europe/Berlin timezone

ALICE: A new laboratory to investigate and constrain exotic hadron-hadron interactions

Nov 22, 2021, 4:50 PM
Kloster Irsee,

Kloster Irsee,


Dimitar Mihaylov (TUM)


The study of the strong interaction is a rich subject, where the traditionally employed experimental techniques, such as scattering experiments, are not well suited to study baryons with strange quark contents (hyperons). Thus, it is difficult to constrain existing effective models, which in turn prohibits the deeper understanding of the nuclear equation of state (EoS). The latter describes the energy-density behavior of nuclear matter and its determination is an important milestone for the modeling of dense astrophysical objects, such a neutron stars.

This thesis discusses the feasibility of using two-particle momentum correlations (femtoscopy) to measure the nucleon-hyperon interaction with a high precision. This is possible to achieve in proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider by the ALICE experiment. New analysis methods have been developed to obtain a solid workflow to study exotic hadron-hadron interactions. This contribution provides an overview on the physics output related to the new techniques, with a specific focus on the interaction between the lightest hyperon (Λ) and the proton, due to its relevance for the EoS and neutron stars.

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