Nov 22 – 25, 2021
Kloster Irsee,
Europe/Berlin timezone

Diamond detectors for low-mass dark matter searches

Nov 25, 2021, 5:05 PM
Kloster Irsee,

Kloster Irsee,


Lucia Canonica (MPI Munich)


In this project, funded by the Seed Money Grant 2020-2, we have proposed the study of the potential of diamond as cryogenic detectors for the search of light dark matter (DM) candidates. Thanks to its unique cryogenic properties (high Debye temperature and long-lived phonon modes), diamond operated as low temperature calorimeters could reach an energy threshold in the eV range and would allow for the exploration of new parameters of the DM-nucleus cross section. The goal of the project is to characterize the cryogenic properties of diamonds and to realize a proof-of-principle low-threshold DM cryogenic detector.
 In this contribution, the first cryogenic performance of CVD diamond samples are reported. With an energy threshold as low as 12.6 eV, we lay the foundation for the use of diamond as detector for light DM searches

Primary author

Lucia Canonica (MPI Munich)


Dr Ferderica Petricca (Max Planck Institute for physics) Stefan Schönert (TUM)

Presentation materials