Nov 22 – 25, 2021
Kloster Irsee,
Europe/Berlin timezone

Photon detection by structured converter layers in micro-pattern gaseous detectors

Nov 25, 2021, 4:45 PM
Kloster Irsee,

Kloster Irsee,


Katrin Penski (LMU)


This Seed Money project (2021-2) aims for the detection of photons using multiple staggered converter plates in combination with Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGDs) in order to increase the photon detection efficiency.
MPGDs are high-rate capable and show an excellent spatial and temporal resolution. Nevertheless, due to the low density of the gas these detectors exhibit only a poor detection efficiency for electrically neutral particles. For photons the detection efficiency can be increased using a solid converter cathode, which is made of high-Z materials. With our novel approach the detection efficiency can be further increased by incorporating several converter plates, which are mounted parallel to the electric amplification field in the detector. With an optimized electric field, the created electrons are guided out of the conversion volume. First measurement results are presented and compared to a corresponding simulation. This technique allows for higher efficiencies and more sensitive equipment, which plays a big role in modern astrophysics or material research.

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