7:00 AM
--- Breakfast ---
9:00 AM
PhD Awards II
(until 9:45 AM)
9:00 AM
Laudatio to Theo Glauch
Hermann Wolter
9:10 AM
PhD Thesis: The Origin of High-Energy Cosmic Particles: IceCube Neutrinos and the Blazar Case. Probing multi-messenger data by combining techniques from astrophysics, machine learning, and statistics
Theo Glauch
9:40 AM
Award Ceremony
Stephan Paul
Andreas Burkert
9:45 AM
CN-6 Investment Highlight: The Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment (P-ONE) and ORIGINS II
Elisa Resconi
10:10 AM
--- Coffee Break and AR/VR Presentation ---
10:35 AM
CN-2 Investment Highlight: Space based spectroscopy of exoplanets with Twinkle
Barbara Ercolano
11:00 AM
CN-1 Black Holes Highlights
Mara Salvato
(until 12:00 PM)
11:00 AM
Black hole theory special : black holes and the swampland
Dieter Luest
11:30 AM
Exploring the high-redshift PBH-Λ CDM Universe: early black hole seeding, the first stars and cosmic radiation backgrounds
Guenther Hasinger, Director of Science, ESA, Madrid,
(ESA, Director of Science)
7:00 AM
--- Breakfast ---
9:00 AM
ODSL Highlights
Allen C. Caldwell
(until 10:20 AM)
9:00 AM
Data Science and the ODSL
Lukas Heinrich
9:30 AM
Evaluating cosmic coincidences
Francesca Capel
9:55 AM
Bayesian Reasoning with Trained Neural Networks
Jakob Knollmüller
(ORIGINS Data Science Lab)
10:20 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
10:40 AM
CN-3 Dark Matter Overview
Mathias Garny
11:05 AM
The Dark Matter Data Center
Nahuel Ferreiro Iachellini
11:30 AM
C2PAP Highlight Talk : Monte Carlo challenges for Non Perturbative QED
Anthony Hartin
11:55 AM
Seed Money Talks II
(until 12:25 PM)
11:55 AM
Mesophere Magnetometry
Florian Kuchler
Peter Fierlinger
(TU München)
12:05 PM
LArBox: A glovebox facility for characterizing cryogenic electronics in liquid Ar
Michael Willers
12:15 PM
A compact and triggerless multichannel sampling ADC for particle detectors
Martin Losekamm
(Technische Universität München)
7:00 AM
--- Breakfast ---
9:00 AM
The Future of Exoplanet Science at LMU-Munich
Kevin Heng
(Uni Bern)
9:30 AM
Research Area Overview Talks
Stephan Paul
Andreas Burkert
(until 12:00 PM)
9:30 AM
RU-A Fundamental Forces and Particles
Martin Beneke
9:55 AM
RU-B Particles and the Cosmos
Stefan Schönert
10:20 AM
RU-C Large Scale Structure
Eiichiro Komatsu
10:45 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:10 AM
RU-D Galaxies Star and Planets
Volker Springel
11:35 AM
RU-E Prebiotic Molecules and LIfe
Dieter Braun
12:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
1:15 PM
Opening and Welcome
Stephan Paul
Andreas Burkert
1:30 PM
RU-A Fundamental Particles and Forces Highlights
Martin Beneke
(until 2:20 PM)
1:30 PM
Scattering Amplitudes in QCD at three loops
Lorenzo Tancredi
1:55 PM
Quantization of generalized massive electrodynamics
Veronica Errasti Diez
2:20 PM
RU-D Galaxies, Stars and Planets Highlights
Volker Springel
(until 3:15 PM)
2:20 PM
The multi-scale baryon cycle from clouds to galaxies
Diederik Kruijssen
(Univ. Heidelberg)
2:50 PM
Galactic dust tomography
Torsten Ensslin
3:15 PM
--- Coffee Break& AR/VR Presentation ---
3:45 PM
RU-B Particles and the Cosmos Highlights
Andreas Weiler
(TU Munich)
(until 4:40 PM)
3:45 PM
Dark matter vs. the LHC: the good, the bad and the ugly
Ulrich Haisch
4:15 PM
LEGEND-1000 and the future of neutrinoless double beta decay search
Stefan Schoenert
4:40 PM
PhD Awards I
(until 5:25 PM)
4:40 PM
Laudatio to Dimitar Mihaylov
Wolfram Weise
(TUM )
4:50 PM
ALICE: A new laboratory to investigate and constrain exotic hadron-hadron interactions
Dimitar Mihaylov
5:20 PM
Award Ceremony
Stephan Paul
Andreas Burkert
5:25 PM
Are leptons less universal than we thought ?
Thomas Kuhr
6:30 PM
--- Dinner ---
8:30 PM
The future of experimental particle physics
Halina Abramowicz
(Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel)
12:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
CN-3 Dark Matter Highlights
Mathias Garny
(until 2:55 PM)
2:00 PM
Simulations of dark matter with frequent self-interactions
Moritz Fischer
(University of Hamburg)
2:30 PM
Impact of operator interference in dark matter direct detection experiments
Anja Brenner
2:55 PM
CN-4 Dark Energy Highlights
Andreas Burkert
(until 3:45 PM)
2:55 PM
Cosmological insights from the Dark Energy Survey
Daniel Gruen
(LMU Munich)
3:20 PM
The Hubble Tension
Sherry Suyu
3:45 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:15 PM
ORIGINS of Life Lab Highlight and Seed Money Talks
Dieter Braun
(until 5:35 PM)
4:15 PM
UV-Induced Photochemistry in Prebiotic Lakes
Corinna Kufner
(Harvard University)
4:45 PM
Seed Money 2021: Determination of sequence-dependent UV sensitivity of polynucleotides by next generation sequencing.
Christof Mast
4:55 PM
Seed Money 2021 : Initial Steps towards an Evolutionary System
Oliver Trapp
5:05 PM
Ferrocyanide survival under near ultraviolet (300-400 nm) irradiation on the early Earth
Zoe Todd
(U. of Washington, Seattle)
6:30 PM
--- Dinner ---
8:30 PM
The Quest for Cosmic Dawn: Finger Crossed for JWST - CANCELLED
Richard Ellis
(University College London)
12:25 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
The Science Case for CubeSat Compol Mission of LRSM
Matthias Meier
2:10 PM
ORIGINS satellite missions and the future of LRSM
Ulrich Walter
2:40 PM
Annual General Assembly of All Cluster Members
Andreas Burkert
Stefan Waldenmaier
(Excellence Cluster ORIGINS)
Alice Smith-Gicklhorn
(Excellence Cluster ORIGINS)
Ina Haneburger
Stephan Paul
(until 5:40 PM)
2:40 PM
Stephan Paul
Andreas Burkert
3:00 PM
General Management, Scientific Coordination and Public Outreach
Ina Haneburger
Stefan Waldenmaier
(Excellence Cluster ORIGINS)
Alice Smith-Gicklhorn
(Excellence Cluster ORIGINS)
3:30 PM
Introduction to ORIGINS Scientific Advisory Committee Members
Andreas Burkert
Stephan Paul
4:00 PM
--- Tea and Coffee Break ---
4:25 PM
C2PAP Summary
Klaus Dolag
4:40 PM
MIAPP Summary
Rolf Kudritzki
4:55 PM
LRSM Summary
Martin Losekamm
5:10 PM
Overview of ODSL Activities
Allen C. Caldwell
5:25 PM
IDSL Summary
Dieter Braun
6:00 PM
--- Conference Dinner ---
8:00 PM
Beam me up, Scotty - The Physics of Star Trek
Ulrich Walter
12:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
RNA catalysis in heterogeneous reaction environments
Hannes Mutschler
(TU Dortmund)
2:30 PM
RU-C Large Scale Structure Highlight Talks
Eiichiro Komatsu
(until 3:45 PM)
2:30 PM
The MillenniumTNG project
Cesar Hernandez-Aguayo
2:55 PM
Connecting the visible Universe to the dark
Alexandre Barreira
(LMU & ORIGINS Excellence Cluster)
3:20 PM
Effect of density fluctuations on gravitational wave production in first-order phase transitions
Henrique Rubira
3:45 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:15 PM
Seed Money Talks III
(until 5:15 PM)
4:15 PM
Spin-sensitive ultra-cold neutron detection
Hanno Filter
(Atominstitut der TU Wien)
Peter Fierlinger
(TU München)
4:25 PM
Meanders to count neutrons
Roman Gernhaeuser
Peter Fierlinger
(TU München)
4:35 PM
Detecting supernova neutrinos with archaeological Pb
Luca Pattavina
4:45 PM
Photon detection by structured converter layers in micro-pattern gaseous detectors
Katrin Penski
4:55 PM
Initial studies on the production of an electret based micro pattern gaseous detectors
Christoph Jagfeld
5:05 PM
Diamond detectors for low-mass dark matter searches
Lucia Canonica
(MPI Munich)
5:15 PM
Short talks
(until 5:35 PM)
5:15 PM
Transition Edge Sensors for Dark Matter and Neutrino Physics applications
Lucia Canonica
(MPI Munich)
5:25 PM
A new-generation dilution refrigerator for cryogenic detector R&D
Luca Pattavina
5:35 PM
--- Closing Remarks/End of Science Week 2021 ---
6:00 PM
--- Bus leaves for Garching Campus at 18:00 ---