Welcoming words and introduction to the workshop
I will discuss the recent progress with describing the non-factorizable QCD corrections
to Higgs boson production in weak boson fusion and single-top production at the LHC, focusing
on effects that arise beyond the leading eikonal approximation.
Integration-by-parts reductions of Feynman integrals and methods from computer algebra play an important role in the calculation of multiloop scattering amplitudes. In this talk, I will review modern methods based on finite field arithmetics and polynomial ideal theory.
In this talk I will review recent developments in the field of
analytical Feynman integral calculations.
In particular, I will discuss Feynman integrals related to non-trivial
geometries like an elliptic curve, or more general a Calabi-Yau manifold,
and methods how to compute these Feynman integrals.