Thanks to the ORIGINS Cluster funds, we are able to purchase and to commission a new-generation dilution refrigerator for the development of world-class cryogenic particle detectors for direct Dark Matter search, neutrino coherent scattering, and R&D for axion searches. The groups at TUM and MPP have pioneered the technology of milli-Kelvin (mK) cryogenic detectors, have developed devices with energy thresholds in the 10 eV regime - the most sensitive in the field - and are leading international experiments at the forefront of astroparticle physics. During the last decade major technological advances in cryogenics lead to the maturity of so-called “dry” cryostats which result in a paradigm shift: in contrast to state-of-the-art “wet” croystats based on cryogenic liquids, “dry” cryostats can be operated fully automated, with a dramatic reduction of the workforce and with an increase of the duty cycle up to 95%. This new infrastructure will not only ensure the future competitiveness of the involved ORIGINS groups in these active research fields, but also establish a highly-visible long-term facility for detector R&D at the Garching Campus.